“Often in our market-driven culture, companies focus on the products but forget that it’s the people who create, market, sell and promote goods and services”

Apex K.K. Executive Search
Japheth Worthy, Medical Device Team Manager and Kyohei Kato, Consultant
Text by Andrew Howitt / Photo by Kageaki Smith
Apex K.K. (www.apexkk.com) is an executive search firm specialising in the recruitment of bilingual professionals from mid- to senior-level management positions.
“Often in our market-driven culture, companies focus on the products but forget that it’s the people who create, market, sell and promote goods and services,” says Japheth Worthy, manager of the Medical Device team. “Apex is dedicated to finding the right person for the right opportunity.”
Apex consultant Kyohei Kato, adds: “Our team’s deep understanding of the market and strong relationships in our areas of coverage allow us to continuously be strategic partners to our clients and candidates.” •