“Our team of English-speaking cryotherapists are trained to advise our customers on the best cryotherapy course for them”

JUNE 2022 Workplace / Text by Alexandra Ziminski / Photo by Benjamin Parks
CRYO TOKYO uses cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, to give customers a multitude of “cool” health benefits. Its cryochambers expose the body to temperatures between -120°C and -196°C. After two or three minutes inside, you emerge refreshed and rejuvenated.
“Our team of English-speaking cryotherapists are trained to advise our customers on the best cryotherapy course for them,” says Michael Suwa, executive manager at CRYO TOKYO.
Oura Toguchi, manager, adds: “We love to hear them tell us that their treatment helped with their sore muscles, insomnia, or weight loss — or that it simply made them feel great. •