“We are the quintessential German, mid-size, family enterprise, enjoying technological leadership in our field on the global stage”

DECEMBER 2021 Workplace / Text by Toby Waters / Photo by Michael Holmes
MOSCA’s high-performance strapping machines, bands, and sealing technologies secure goods in transit. Its products offer maximal uptime and minimal environmental impact.
“We are the quintessential German, mid-size, family enterprise, enjoying technological leadership in our field on the global stage,” says Arnaud Caille, general manager at MOSCA Japan. “Our patented SoniXs ultrasonic sealing technology is a potent SDG-enabler: it’s eco-friendly and slashes our customers’ energy and material costs. It’s state-of-the-art, yet market-proven.”
Focus Money magazine recently awarded MOSCA the “Germany’s Best in Sustainability” prize in mechanical and plant engineering. •